$25.00 USD

The Murray Method for Newborns - Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits from the Start

This course is specially designed to support new parents through the early months of your newborn's life, providing comprehensive tools and knowledge for mastering newborn sleep and laying the foundation for independent sleep skills.

What's Included:

  • Sleep Shaping Plan: Effectively lay the groundwork for independent sleeping skills starting Day 1 with this comprehensive plan.
  • Newborn Sleep Webinar: Establish a safe and effective sleep practices right from the start. Learn how to create a safe sleep environment, the science behind sleep and development, practical tips for independent settling, and techniques for managing sleep regressions and night wakings.

  • Wake Windows Guide: Essential for structuring your baby's sleep schedule to prevent overtiredness and promote better night sleep.

  • Sleepy Cues Guide: Determine when your baby is ready for sleep with this visual aid for quick recognition.